The days are getting longer, the temperature is finally warming up. There is no doubt that Summer is just around the corner. With the weather improving, and more time being spent outdoors, now is the time to consider sealing or resealing your outdoor surfaces.
At DJL Services, we offer sealing on a variety outdoor surfaces that can improve the life of your flooring, while also looking fantastic for the sunny summer months. Below are some details on what type of flooring we can seal.
Brick Paving Sealing
Do you have a brick or paver driveway, courtyard, or pool area? Do these bricks have stains, mould, or pools of water forming on them? Sealing could be your answer to these problems. In short, sealing your bricks and pavers makes cleaning faster, easier and cheaper than bricks that are not sealed.
Not only does is make cleaning much easier, it also protects the bricks and pavers from water damage, perhaps from splashes from the pool, the reticulation spraying on your driveway, or from overflowing gutters that haven’t been cleaned out yet after a long winter.

Have you installed exposed aggregate or cement flooring on your driveways or patio to create a different look to bricks? Many people choose exposed aggregate for the smooth overall look and the lack of cracks and crevices that can hold grime, water and weeds. However, the sleek nature of exposed aggregate does not exclude any water, car or sun damage from being caused.
With sealing lasting up to 3 years, think of all the rain that can fall or cars that can drive over your exposed aggregate without having to worry about the cumulative damage that is happening to your flooring. Not only will it be protected, but your flooring will be that much easier to clean, ready to greet your guests during summer.
Limestone Sealing
Like many houses across Perth, there is often limestone found somewhere on the property. It could be found on the home exteriors, in garden paths or even in the retaining walls. While limestone can be some of the most visually appealing building material, it can also be the most susceptible to water damage over time. Chips, large cracks and black discolouring are some of the tell-tale signs of limestone damage that can worsen over time.
A material as fragile as limestone should be sealed to ensure its longevity in its current location on your property. Given that it is often found in structurally important locations such as walls and fittings, ensuring that it is properly sealed will ensure that it continues to play its role while also looking as good as possible!
Wanting to clean up your outdoor flooring before you lay down sealant? Why not consider a high pressure clean and seal package offered by the team at DJL Services? Contact us today to arrange for a cleaner, neater floor.